Magic of Love in Soulful Folk Tales from India – Vol.III


Ebook (interactive PDF)

117 pages

Presented with a collection of Rasa Masterpieces by Artist Mumbiram

ISBN: 978-3-943040-17-3


Collection of three folk tales from India narrated by Artist Mumbiram.
Mumbiram’s narrations reveal the rasa of boundless devotion and its unsurpassable power over miseries of the material world.

Three Folk Tales: 

The three accounts presented here are about love and separation, queens and kings.

There is the good-hearted and generous king “Harishchandra” who readily parts with his whole kingdom in charity to sage Vishvamitra.

Vishwamitra is also the biological father of “Shakuntala” whose love marriage to king Dushyanta is a very popular account. Her sterling character and love can surmount all obstacles and misfortunes that providence put in her path.

Another account of true love is “Nala and Damayanti”. After king Nala lost his kingdom queen Damayanti readily follows her husband into the forest which meant discomfort and even danger. When they get separated from each other through some misfortune it is her clever riddle that leads to the turning point in their separation.

What all three accounts have in common is the courage and faith of the personalities that let justice prevail.

Here in these presentations Mumbiram has juxtaposed his stories with images or details from his own Rasa masterpieces that he had created independently. They were inspired by real people and real happenings in the artist’s personal universe. Amazingly, the images have a deja vu like resemblance with images conjured by the stories presented here. 


See Sample Pages of “Magic of Love – Volume Three”