Deluges of Ecstasy

Deluges of Ecstasy are very contemporary outpourings of ecstatic delusions in intimate friendship in the lofty ‘Prema Vivarta’ mood, verily a passionate Love Affair.

This is an original work that Mumbiram had composed during his 12 year sojourn in America of the sixties and seventies. It is embellished with rare Rasa Art Masterpieces by the Author-Artist.

One cannot help feeling that here Mumbiram is fulfilling Walt Whitman´s “Passage to India“. The mystical energetic verses of the ‘Deluges of Ecstasy’, embellished with very original art by the author of the verses himself, bring to mind an uncanny resemblance with William Blake and Khalil Gibran. Mumbiram shares lot more with these esoteric geniuses. His reverence and affection for the scriptures of the ancients only proliferates his imagination.

In Mumbiram’s dispensation love and spirituality cannot exist without each other. They are an aesthetic choice, the sublime primeval principal that rules the destiny of all living entities.

This fifth volume of the “High Five of Love” offers a most comprehensive collection of Mumbiram’s paintings and charcoal masterpieces.

Prema Vivarta

In a highly advanced and intimate state of God-consciousness, everything and everybody reminds the lover of something about the Beloved. This is the essence of the “Prema Vivarta” mood.

Mumbiram’s art is the consummate outcome of a life lived with the aesthetic choice as the sole guiding beacon. The verses of the “Deluges of Ecstasy” are the outpourings of a love-struck friend of Krishna. If it were not for this five volume ensemble, the art of an extra-ordinary classical painter of our times would have remained an enigma and the verses of the “Deluges of Ecstasy” would have remained a mystery. Here they stand revealed as peerless contemporary Rasa Art and Rasa Poesy.

Sample Page Deluges of Ecstasy


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